My Mom has been so helpful to me in puttin' this website together that I thought she oughta have her own page!
This page will be all about MY MOM! I wuv my Mom vewy much! She takes such good care of us, worries about us,
loves on us all the time, plays wif us, so we know she wuvs US vewy much, too!
One of the things Mom does is to help other houndies like us whenever she can. She and Dad have given rides
to homeless houndies who are on the way to new forever homes, or to new foster homes where they will be loved until a forever
home is found. We also had some houndies visit wif us for a while--sorta short-term fosters, but one fella named
Pappy stayed here more than two months!! We still miss him. There is a link to his album on the Favorite Links
and Web Rings page.
Mom is a member of a gwoup that helps houndies called ABC. They rescue abandoned, needy, lost, abused, and
given up houndies and make sure they get healthy and then twy to find good homes for them. Mom was their Secretary
for several years. She took care of all the mail and kept records for adoptions in a big box she calls a file. We've
met several of the houndies Mom has given rides to, and all of them were such nice houndies!! Here are some
pictures of these houndies.
This is Harley, |

Here's my buddy Clyde, |

Here is Winston, now at Rainbow Bridge. |
Godspeed, my friend, You were loved here. |
Meet my friend Fletcher. |

This fellow is Caleb. |

Here is our fwiend, Julie, who is blind. |

She can hear good, though, and was fun! It was hard to remember that she can't see! |
and this is Banjo! |

And this sweet ol' gal is Katie! |
Dear Old Katie is ATB now, and is remembered with love. |
And this cute little squirt is Buster! |

This Mini-Doxie with three others needed a ride, too! |
Here is another gal named Daisy! |

She was sick but she is healthy now! |
And this is fellow is Ricky! |

This is My Pappy. That's what Mommy calls him. |
Pappy is blind and deaf, and stayed wif us over 2 months. |
My Pappy, though sightless and nearly stone-deaf,
had enough Bassetude for at least five more hounds half his age! He was thought to be 12 or even 14 years old.
He had been turned out in the streets in the dead of winter, and used for target practice by some idiots with BB guns.
He was so sick and starved, it was doubtful he would survive more than a few days after he was pulled from the shelter. But
with love, having his health needs taken care of, and devotion of several people, Pappy survived for another 6 months while receiving
all the love, pampering, and happiness he deserved before he was needed at Rainbow Bridge. Please take a look at his
album to share in some of this gentlehound's Bassetness. There is a link to Pappy's Album on the Favorite Links and
Web Sites page.
There are lots more deserving Basset Houndies who need help! If you'd like to help, check my
Favorite Links page. ABC Basset Hound Rescue is listed there, and you can find out all about the many ways to
help out our fellow Basset Houndies.