My Fwiends fwom All Over....
Mommy has been helpin' me fill this page with pictures of all my fwiends fwom all over the world. You will see
lots of pwetty girls and handsome fellas here. Some have gone to Rainbow Bridge, but they are still and always will
be, my fwiends. I want to honor their memories here. Enjoy meeting my fwiends!
Chandler & Molly Greene |

Came and visited me all the way fwom Florida!! |
My fwiend Lily wearing her new hat |

Lilygurl lives in North Bend, Ohio |
Jill Beth, a Special Girl in Des Moines,Iowa! |

Jill is my vewy first girlfwiend. She taught me how to love. |
Megan |

"Big" Sister to Jill Beth in Des Moines, IA. |
Augie from Des Moines |
In Loving Memory of a Little Devil Puppy Now an Angel. Godspeed, my Friend. |
My Fwiends Fuh and Yuh |

They live across the left pond in Japan! |
The Goose Gaggle Giggle |

Living in Southampton, New York. |
The Six Greene Bassets |

These are my fwiends living in Central Florida. |
Here's Andy Panda |

He came all the way fwom Louisiana to see me!! |
This is the loverly Pw. Boey Anne |

THis Indiana girl makes my heart go pitty-pat! |
Bob aka CowDogBob aka Bob TheDog |

Kaylee's boyfwiend from Washington State--I gotta keep Kaylee in line! |
Rachel & Beulah |

Northwest Florida |
My fwiends, Toby & Judy Mattioda |

Enjoying a day in their boat, from SE Wisconsin |
Houndy & Lumpy (Big is Beautiful) Mattioda |
In Loving Memory of Two Beautiful Hounds Godspeed My Fwiends. |
Charlie Greene |
In Loving Memory of a Special Basset. Godspeed, My Fwiend |
My beautiful, beautiful Pw. Annie from Columbus OH |

Lovely Pw. Annie keeps my heart in good working order. |
Meet Wrose, a very sweet Wannabe |

Wrose is Dixie's vewy good fwiend. They both are overrun by Bassets! |
Misty (top) and her sister Penny, Irish Lasses |
Good fwiends across the sea! Misty left us for the Bridge and Penny will miss her tutor. |
My fwiend, George E. Grunt aka Georgie |

Another of Kaylee's boyfwiends! This guy's fwom Texas. I'm lookin after my little niece! |
This Beautiful Lady is my fwiend, Bessie. |
George's sister Bessie left us suddenly and is terribly missed. Godspeed, sweet Bessie. |
Well, looks like I am running out of space on this page!!! I have lots more fwiends to include, so I'll
just hafta make anudder page! Remember, if you'd like to be in one of my Friends pages, just send us a picture, include
where you are fwom, and Mommy will help me get it into My Place. More fwiends comin' right up!