More Fambly:
Here are pictures of my extended fambly, both near ones,
and far away ones.

This is Kaylee's litter brudder, Woodchuck. He's called Henry now.
He went to live in Albany, New York wif Auntie Midge, her Mom, Grandma Mary, and he has a very pwetty sister named
Allie. Mom and Auntie Midge are good fwiends now, and they talk all the time on the 'net and swap pictures and stories
about us! I miss him vewy much, but I know he is vewy happy in his new home. Do you see his resemblance to Kaylee?
An' guess what! He can sit up on his widdle butt just like Kaylee!

This is Woodchuck's, er, Henry's sister Allie in Albany,
New York. Isn't she a very pwetty lemon Basset? Her Mom sez she is vewy happy to have Henry there to play wif.
I met her when she and her new Mom Midge and HER Mom Mary came here to get Woodchuck, er, Henry to go home wif them.
I liked her vewy much and I'm happy Henry has Allie to play wif.

And this is Daisy's real half-sister, Hannah. (So that makes
her MY half-sister, too!) She lives up the street from us wif her sister Nittany and their Mom and Dad. Hannah,
Nittany and Daisy had the same Basset Mama. We all get to visit and play wif each other often.
Here are Maggie (top) and Mini, two of Kaylee's litter
sisters. Maggie is now called "aria." They went together to live in a vewy nice home in Fairport, NY. We
got to visit wif them at the Purple Waddle in 2002 and again in the Purple Waddle 2003. They looked wonderful--happy
and healthy as could be! I think they even 'membered their Unca Brannigan, too! Aren't they beautiful girls,

This handsome Beagle is
Moose's (Riley's) older brudder. Jake was the only 4-letter in his house for a long time before Riley came along. Jake
is really happy now that he has a "little" brudder to raise the dickens wif. Jake looks a whole lot like my big sis
Dixie, except that he isn't quite as, er, big boned. (heh heh)
This short, chubby widdle girl is Nittany, She is Hannah's
sister. Nittany has the shortest widdle legs we ever did see on a Basset. Talk about a low-rider? That's
Nittany!! Isn't she cute?
My little half-sister Nittany passed on to Rainbow Bridge early summer 2007. She
is sadly missed and will forever be held in our hearts. Godspeed, dear Nittany.

big, good-lookin' fella is Kaylee's litter brudder Moose. He is called Riley now. He was Daisy's first-born pup
and the biggest! He went to live with part of Mom's and Dad's fambly near Cleveland, Ohio. Mom and Dad get to
visit him ever' now'n then. He has a Beagle brudder named Jake to play wif.

This is Kaylee's last litter brudder Brad. He
was named after Brad Pitt for his handsomeness.)Notice the fambly resemblance? He's called Joey now, and he lives wif
a very nice fambly in Fairport, NY. We hope to visit him some day.
Next, you can see pictures of some of my fwiends from all